Deaf Awareness

We welcomed a visitor to our September meeting when we had Glynis Myles and her friend Maggie talking to us about deaf awareness, particularly the use of the signing language Makaton.

Glynis highlighted ways in which we could all improve our communication skills, making it easier for people who are deaf or have hearing loss to follow what is being said. Try not to cover your mouth with your hands and try not to turn or look away while you are talking. Speak clearly, not too slowly and use normal lip movements, facial expressions and gestures, but do not be patronising.  Turn your face towards them so they can easily see your lip movements. Always include the hearing loss person in the conversation. If possible, find a place to talk that has good lighting, away from noise and distractions. Keep your voice down, it’s uncomfortable for a hearing aid user if you shout.

We were reminded that signing is not just for the deaf. A person who has suffered a stroke may find signing a more successful form of communication. If your first language is not English or you have special learning difficulties then signing may be for you.

Only nouns and adjectives in a sentence are signed, no conjunctions. To demonstrate how easy it is to learn some of the signs we all took part in an exercise. Whilst sitting in a semi-circle we were all given a card with an item of clothing drawn and the sign described. With Glynis describing an activity we all had a go at signing, trying to identify each other's clothing item. With several repetitions we successfully learnt several signs.

To finish, Glynis and Maggie helped us sign a couple of songs: ‘Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow polka dot Bikini’ and ‘By the Rivers of Babylon’. These were great fun, with everyone joining in and not feeling at all self-conscious.

Glynis had given us an entertaining talk with all of us learning something in the process.

During the meeting we were given a couple of outing reports and details of a Craft Seasonal workshop taking place in November and a short story competition.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 9th October when we will have Byron Lewis from Lichfield Garden Centre showcasing Autumn and Winter plants. We meet at 7.30pm in Yoxall parish hall and visitors will be made very welcome. If you would like any further information please contact Penny Bailey through the link below.