Sensory Bands
Our meeting this month was to sew up and decorate the sensory bands that we had spent the Summer knitting. A sensory band is a knitted muff that has attachments stitched on to it, both inside and out, that dementia patients can twiddle and fiddle with. They are used to calm patients by giving them something to do with their hands.
Following a simple pattern, the WI members had used up oddments of brightly coloured wool, to knit a rectangle in blocks of different knitting stitches. At the meeting we decorated them with buttons, beads, bells and ribbons and then sewed them up to form a muff shape. It has been found that these bands are a source of visual, tactile and sensory stimulation and can help to alleviate boredom and reduce anxiety. The bands will be delivered by one of our members to a centre that will make good use of them.
On Friday 24th November the Beryl Behague Community Christmas Tea is being held in the Parish Hall for members of the local community. Yoxall WI along with members of the Church provide food and volunteers, and arrangements for this event were discussed.
Several dates for the diary were announced, the annual Carol Service held in Lichfield Cathedral and the County Quiz. The Village Clean Up will take place on Saturday 28th October from 9am until 12noon. Meet at the Parish Hall at any time during the morning, bring a brush and hand tools and the rest will be provided including bacon sandwiches, cakes and drinks!
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 8th November when Ron Scholes will be talking on The Lake District through the Seasons. We meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm and visitors are very welcome. Further details can be obtained from Penny Bailey through the link at the bottom of the page.