Colour Analysis
Our talk this month was by Pam Moore on "Colour Analysis". Pam is a professional beauty therapist who has 40 years experience in the business. She does extensive fundraising for St Giles Hospice where she also offers treatments to the patients who are well enough. Pam carries out photographic make-up work and it was evident that she thoroughly enjoys her job.
Colour analysis in fashion determines the colours that best suit an individual based on their natural colourings. Personal colour analysis is the process of determining colours of clothing and make-up to match your skin complexion, eye colour and hair colour, and is used to help with wardrobe planning and style consulting.
Colour analysis artistry recognises 150 different colours, grouped according to undertone, depth and clarity. Undertone colours range from warm, with a greater percentage of yellow, to cool colours with more blue. The depth of a colour is related to how much black and white is included and finally clarity recognises bright and muted colours.
Pam went on to describe a typical session she may have with one of her clients. Make-up is removed and a white drape is arranged around the shoulders. She chose two ladies in turn from the audience and then used her travel drapes to find the best colours suited for each of them. It became obvious that certain coloured drapes do not suit every individual and other colours just seem so right. She showed how two colours together often give a better effect. Many ladies like to wear black, but if it is not a colour suited to you, wearing a coloured scarf makes it more acceptable.
Pam also gives advice on beauty therapy, including skin problems and skin care. She will apply a natural make-up using colours that have already been decided upon. Pam also considers accessories, such as scarves, jewellery and glasses frames in her colour analysis. After her talk I'm sure all Yoxall ladies will now be totally co-ordinated with their choice of colour for outfits, accessories and make-up.
On Friday 28th November a Christmas Community Tea Party is being held in the Parish Hall for members of the local community. Yoxall WI along with members of the Church provide food and volunteers, and arrangements for this event were discussed. Several dates for the diary were announced. We have a thriving reading group and the new novel was circulated and a meeting date noted. Other groups such as craft, walking and cinema are enjoyed by the members.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 12th November when the speaker will be Sylvia Boden talking on Christmas Flowers. Poetry and Legends. Visitors are very welcome and further details can be obtained from Penny Bailey through the link below. We meet at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.