Tales from the bin
There was plenty of business at the start of our May meeting. Final arrangements were made for our birthday meeting in June. We will be having a 'sit down ' meal, served by staff from The Golden Cup. A choice of menu will be provided, so a clipboard was sent round for members to make their choice. We will also be welcoming visitors from The Blythe Group.
Jean White was presented with the Competition Cup and Diana Cuttle with the Scrabble Cup. Diana also won the Denman Dip after about 20 years of trying! We were all reminded of the Centenary Challenge. We are hoping to make a professionally produced book showing a 'snap shot ' of life in Yoxall in 2015. Most members have volunteered to take photographs and they need to be sent to Penny, our President, who is going to collate them.
The May meeting is also when we vote on the resolution for the 2015 National Federation AGM. There was only one resolution to consider,' This meeting calls on HM government to remove the distinction between nursing care and personal care, in the assessment of the needs of individuals, in order to advance health and wellbeing'. The vote was unanimous in favour.
Our meeting in August is in the form of an outing or picnic. This year we will be visiting Renishaw Hall and Gardens in Derbyshire. Dates and prices were announced at the meeting. To finish the business we were given 2 outings reports, one from Homes and Gardens and the other from The Ridwares Birthday Party. Both events had been thoroughly enjoyed.
Unfortunately, our booked speaker was unable to come so Rev Gordon Cresswell had stepped in at the last moment. Gordon gave us a very interesting talk about his upbringing and family life. His mum had worked as a cadet at Pastures hospital and met his father who was a student nurse. Pastures was a psychiatric hospital, an asylum, a place of rest and refuge. Gordon has spent most of his ministry in prisons and hostels for the homeless. These hospitals were often called 'the loony bin', hence the title of his talk. As a young school leaver Gordon was unable to get a job but eventually secured a work experience placement at Pastures Hospital. We were given an insight into some of the treatment offered at such hospitals, some of it quite shocking and disturbing.
Gordon did not have a Christian faith, but one evening was overwhelmed by a sense of peace from a white light, which was repeated on subsequent evenings. Gordon's life as a Methodist minister had begun.
Our May Market on Saturday 16th May was a very successful afternoon. A mouthwatering selection of cakes had been baked for the cake stall and for refreshments. Tables were heaving under books and bric a brac . We look forward to hearing how much money was raised.
Our next meeting is a members only birthday meeting but visitors are very welcome in July when Pat Clee will talk on Spinning. For further details please contact Penny Bailey through the link below.