March Meeting 2019
The March meeting started with the AGM. Our busy secretary gave a detailed report reminding us of all the activities carried out during the year. Our own programme has also been varied, with talks including ‘Fire safety in the home’, ‘Plastic Soup’ and ‘Living in a healthy home’. Our main fundraising event was the May market, which this year will be held on Saturday 11th May - keep the date free. Now is the time to sort out your good quality scarves, jewellery and handbags, books and plants to donate. We are looking forward to a full and varied year ahead.
Following the AGM we continued with the usual business of upcoming trips, craft competitions, and various group details. These include a visit to Tutbury Castle with a high tea and Lesley Smith performing as Peggy Knight and a Murder Mystery evening at The Canalside Café, Great Haywood. Both of these will be enjoyable visits.
Following the election of the new committee, we enjoyed a members evening. Most meetings we have a speaker which means less time to socialise. With wine to drink and crisps to nibble, we enjoyed two quizzes based on ‘Songs from the Musicals’ and ‘Leading Lady actors from famous movies’.
Our WI meetings are a great opportunity to advertise any community events. On Saturday 27th April the village clean-up will take place. Drop into the Parish Hall between 9am and 12 noon. Bring a brush and small garden tools, everything else will be provided including bacon butties and refreshments.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 10th April, when Ruth Lowe will be giving us the second part of her Mary Quant talk. We meet in Yoxall Parish Hall at 7.30pm and visitors will be made very welcome. For further details please contact Penny Bailey through the link below.