Birthday Celebrations         

The ladies of Yoxall WI were treated to a wonderful evening in June to celebrate their 96th birthday. The tables were decorated with white cloths and blue ribbons, white lilac and daisies arranged in vases, red napkins; all appropriately patriotic. The seating arrangement was very informal and we had also invited members from the Blythe Group, so we had several visitors.

Our President Penny welcomed everyone and we stood for 'Jerusalem'. Business was kept to a minimum. Penny thanked everyone for making the May Market such a success. We raised over £700 in the 2 hours that we were open to the public.

Drinks were poured and we helped ourselves to a buffet supper, provided by the Yoxall WI ladies.

Our entertainment for the evening was provided by Chris Stratman, a guitar player and 'Shadows' fan. Chris played some well known pieces from the 'Shadows' repertoire and gave us an insight into the group's life. The Shadows were a British instrumental group and became Cliff Richard's backing band. They had 69 UK chart singles from the 1950s to the 2000s. The group were the first backing band to emerge as stars, core members being Hank Marvin, Bruce Welch and Brian Bennett. The Shadows, with Cliff Richard, dominated British popular music in the late 1950s and early 1960s in the years before the Beatles. Although they lost ground in the late sixties, the band had a second success from the late seventies. The music they are famous for include 'Apache', 'FBI', 'Kon-Tiki', 'Wonderful Land' and 'Theme from the Deer Hunter (Cavatina)'. The Shadows developed sequences using their bodies and guitars in tempo with the music, such as the 'walk'. With a little encouragement, the ladies of Yoxall were soon on the dance floor 'walking' to those famous Shadows tunes!

After an evening listening to music, the tea and coffee was served and the raffle prizes drawn.The ladies of Yoxall had been treated to a wonderful evening to celebrate their 96th Birthday.

The next meeting is on Wednesday 13th July and Roger Hailwood will be speaking on 'The History of the Arboretum'.  We meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm and visitors are very welcome. Further details can be obtained from Penny Bailey through the link below.