Birthday Celebrations
The ladies of Yoxall WI were treated to a wonderful evening in June to celebrate their 95th Birthday. The tables were decorated with green and white cloths, purple flowers arranged in vases and groups of balloons rising from each table. A simple table plan had been planned so everyone knew where they were sitting. We had also invited members from the Blythe Group so we had several visitors.

Our President Penny welcomed everyone and we stood for 'Jerusalem'. Business was kept to a minimum. Penny thanked everyone for making the May Market such a success. We raised over £750 in the 2 hours that we were open to the public, well up on last year.
Drinks were poured and our evening meal was served. A two course meal was prepared and served by ' The Golden Cup', Greg and Rachel efficiently organised the catering and the waitresses did a marvellous job serving nearly 50 ladies with a hot meal and a delicious cold dessert.
Our entertainment for the evening was provided by David Matthews who played keyboard throughout the evening, allowing us to chat with our visitors and friends.
A beautiful birthday cake had been made and decorated by Lynda Holland. After lighting the birthday candles we asked Gill Brown to cut the cake, accompanied by a chorus of 'Happy Birthday'. The cake was cut, distributed and enjoyed with coffee. The raffle table was overflowing with prizes so we finished the evening with the draw of winning tickets.

The ladies of Yoxall WI had been treated to a wonderful evening to celebrate their 'big' Birthday.
The next meeting is on Wednesday 8th July when Pat Clee will be giving a talk on ' Spinning'. We meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm. Visitors are very welcome and further details can be obtained from Penny Bailey through the link at the bottom of this page.