2020 - Our CENTENARY year!

Yoxall WI is 100 this year - January marks our formation in 1920 and June celebrates the formal restart of our meetings after the ending of World War II.

We welcomed two visitors to the meeting and two former members of Hoar Cross WI.

Every WI member has the opportunity to select which resolution they would like to take forward for further discussion at national level. There are 5 resolutions on the final shortlist this year. They are ‘A call to increase potential stem cell donor registration’, ‘Female crash test dummies’, ‘ An end to modern slavery’, ‘Time to talk about death and dying’ and ‘Protect our precious helium’.  Briefing notes had been published in an edition of WI Life. We were all encouraged to fill in the voting forms by voting for one of the resolutions only, this information will be forwarded to the County Office.

There were several outings and competitions that had to be mentioned, including a trip to Bosworth Heritage Centre and the Spring Council Meeting, when we will be receiving our 100 years certificate from the Staffordshire Federation.

After the resolution vote and other business we enjoyed a social evening, a glass of wine, some savoury nibbles and several quizzes to keep our minds active after the festive break! We had picture rounds and questions on each decade of the last 100 years. No prizes, but everyone enthusiastically joined in.

At the first meeting in 1920 it was decided that those present would have penny buns with their tea. In line with that meeting we enjoyed iced buns with our tea and coffee.

We have lots planned for our centenary year. Monthly coffee, tea and cake outings at various venues in the area, a village tree planting, a 100th Birthday party in June and an archives day in July. Other celebrations will be detailed throughout the year.

Our next meeting is in Wednesday 12th February when we will have Tony Slater giving a talk – ‘Birder with a Camera’. We meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm and visitors will be made very welcome. For further details please contact Penny Bailey through the link below.