Beetling along

Rain poured in rivers down the streets and gusts of wind threw wheelie bins across gardens but twenty five members still turned up to our February meeting. This was the one occasion a year when we don’t have an outside speaker, making our own entertainment with more time to catch up with each other’s news. 

In this month’s business Penny Bailey reminded us of the Annual General Meeting in March when there will be three vacancies on the committee and her term of office as President will be ending. It is easy to forget that an Institute cannot operate without a committee because most of its work is done behind the scenes. New recruits will be made very welcome at meetings which are good fun (usually including wine and cake) and duties can be interesting and rewarding with opportunities for personal development. We were also reminded of the Blythe Group Meeting on March 27th for which we are the hosts to the other WIs in the group and must provide the buffet. Lots of members have already volunteered to bring food but more offers would be welcome. John White is the speaker acting as the Prince Regent so there should be a full house.

Jane Bradley then described her recent visit to the WI’s own Denman College in Oxfordshire. She was thrilled to have won the bursary which our WI offers in an bi-annual draw and had chosen to use it for a course on ‘Speedy Cookery’. This was her first visit and she was very impressed with everything about the college – the free taxi service to and from the station, the beautiful building and grounds, her en suite room, the lovely food and the friendliness of everyone. Her course, like all at Denman, was very professional with demonstrations and lots of tasting as well as practical experience. She was able to bring samples home which her husband enjoyed and she’s looking forward to using the recipes again.

After an early break for refreshments, pencils and dice appeared on the tables and sheets were handed out with instructions for an old-fashioned Beetle Drive. Our Secretary Jan had been shopping and  found some very attractive prizes which guaranteed enthusiastic competition to be the first to complete “Bertie Beetle” in each game. For many there was frustration as the dice never fell the way required to get that last leg or eye or wing but it was all good fun. Six lucky people went home with a worthwhile prize and we were all put in touch with the child within us!

Our Annual General Meeting is on March 12th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall and afterwards Helen Johnson will speak to us about ‘Three Centuries of Shoes’.  Visitors are welcome – contact Penny Bailey through the link below for further details.