The Christmas Party

The Christmas tree was lit and the tables were set with crackers, wine glasses and decorated with berried holly and red ribbon. Members were arriving in their 'party clothes' and looking forward to an enjoyable evening. Our President Penny Bailey kept the business to an absolute minimum. We were informed that voting will take place on the resolutions in January, so were encouraged to read about them in the WI magazine. Our glasses were filled and a toast made to absent friends.

An enjoyable meal formed the first part of the evening. The committee provide the main course and desserts were donated by the members. Once again we had a mouth watering selection of desserts, ranging from cheesecakes and trifle to roulades and gateaux.

Our entertainment for the evening was provided by a local group of ukulele players called the Yoxall Strummers. They played a wonderful selection of popular music and the audience were soon joining in with the lyrics and enjoying the music.

Coffee and chocolates followed while the Christmas raffle was drawn. All the prizes had been donated by members and we had a fantastic selection of wine, toiletries and chocolates to be won. Everyone eagerly anticipated each draw of numbers, hoping theirs would be selected. The money raised from the raffle will be donated to the Denman appeal.

Secret Santa presents were distributed next and our evening finished with everyone linking arms for Auld Lang Syne.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 11th January when we have Matthew Ellis, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire, talking to us. We meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm and visitors are very welcome. For further details please contact Penny Bailey through the link below.