Christmas Fun!

Members of Yoxall W.I. enjoyed their Christmas party - no snow on the ground this year! The business was kept to a minimum, and after making a toast to "friends", President Penny Bailey declared the mouth watering buffet open.

We were soon tucking into our festive fare which had been provided by the members themselves. Crackers were pulled and the usual silly jokes were related. Our Christmas party is a time for us to catch up with good friends over a super meal and a glass or two of wine. The supper things were tidied up and it was time for the entertainment. This year we had a "Rudolph Drive", exactly the same as a Beetle Drive but drawing a reindeer. Prizes followed the same theme - cuddly reindeer toys holding chocolate money. The clicking of dice was interrupted by cries of delight or despair depending upon the outcome of the throw. There were some very unusual drawings of Rudolph! The evening concluded with coffee and mince pies, the raffle draw and the handing out of our Secret Santa presents. The W.I. can always be relied upon to provide a wonderful time and this year was no exception.


Our next meeting is on Wednesday 11th January when our speaker will be Ian Rogerson with a talk called "Smile Please, Say Cheese" We meet at 7.30 pm in the Parish Hall, visitors are always very welcome, free of charge. For further information, contact Penny Bailey.

(For more party photos CLICK HERE)