A Springtime Flower Demonstration

Yoxall WI welcomed a new visitor to its April meeting, which had Tina Adams giving a floral demonstration. Before Tina started, Penny, our President went through the business for the month. A big event in May is our May Market, which this year will be held on Saturday 20th May from 2.00-4.00 pm in Yoxall Parish Hall. There will be the usual stalls of tombola, plants, books, raffle and homemade produce. Refreshments will be served including delicious homemade cakes. The rota was passed around so that members could sign up for a duty in the afternoon. These events take a lot of organising and the WI ladies do a wonderful job helping to run this event.

We were given advance notice that voting on the resolutions will take place next month. There are two resolutions this year and we can vote for both of the resolutions, one of the resolutions or none. The 2 resolutions are ' Alleviating Loneliness' and 'Plastic Soup: keep microplastic fibres out of our oceans'.

WI meetings are a brilliant opportunity for community events to be advertised. The village clean up will take place on Saturday 22nd April 9.00am-12 noon. The Annual Parish meeting will be held on Thursday 27th April at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend and give their comments and views.

Tina was then introduced , and we eagerly anticipated her demonstration, as the arrangements were to be raffled later. The first was set in a dish which she covered with ivy, fastened in place with florist wire. More ivy was bound together to form a handle. Three, bright yellow sunflowers were then positioned down the centre of the arrangement. Stems of fountain grass and hydrangea heads completed the arrangement.

The second was a double tray with two blocks of oasis. Large pieces of foliage were used to hide the oasis. This arrangement was in two halves, 3 large, purple, allium flower heads on one side and purple alstromeria on the other. A large aspidistra type leaf was cleverly twisted to form a focus at the front and the arrangement was complete.

The third arrangement had beautiful green-pink roses and anthurium . Tina is a great fan of using foliage out of the garden - and other people's gardens! She also gave us great tips on how to condition flowers that you buy. Finally, with the flowers Tina had not used she showed us how to handtie a bouquet. It looked simple, but in practise I imagine it is not! With all the arrangements demonstrated they were then used as raffle prizes.

Our next meeting is in 10th May when our speaker will be Sue Robinson giving a demonstration on Encaustic Art. 

We meet in Yoxall Village Hall and visitors will be made very welcome. 

For further information please contact Penny Bailey through the link below.