Will you? Won’t you?

The ladies of the Yoxall WI managed to dodge the showers and arrive unscathed for their meeting on April 11th. Our speaker Malcolm Parker was able to deliver the topic of “Writing your Will” with a sense of humour, which enabled his audience to engage in a topic which is normally a very serious matter.

We insure all aspects of our lives – homes, holidays, cars, pets and weddings – but hope the policies will never be needed. They have to be paid for year after year and often cost more and more. Wills should be thought of simply as insurance policies which will definitely be needed but, if well-constructed, only written and paid for once.

The reason for writing a will?  Simply ‘peace of mind’.

Apparently most family arguments occur at weddings and funerals, so perhaps making a will could avoid some of these.

The topic was discussed in depth with many questions from the floor and Malcolm was in danger of running out of time. Subject matter included: age of inheritance, discretionary trusts, giving to charity, long term care fees, inheritance tax, lasting power of attorney and property protection.

We were reminded of how important our wills are in insuring that last wishes are carried out without mishap. It is amazing how many people end up with unwanted parrots or cockatiels because of their longevity so do make sure that your feathered friend is left to a willing recipient!

Anyone thinking of writing or revising a will should of course always take advice from an expert.

During the meeting we were given dates of our many and varied group activities which include walking, cinema and craft amongst others. We are also hoping for a hugely successful May Market on 19th May.

At our next meeting on May 9th Graham White will speak onCreating an N.G.S. Garden” and it is also our ‘Resolutions Evening’. Visitors are welcome. Please contact Penny Bailey on the link below for any further information.